Legal Warning

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The content (information, statistics, pictures, etc.) on our site was created from sources, the accuracy of which has been verified within the framework of general practices. Çelikel Education Foundation or any other third party does not assure or guarantee the accuracy, actuality or adequacy of the contents. Çelikel Education Foundation also does not assure or guarantee the accuracy, actuality or adequacy of contents of site links and links contained in our site content.

Çelikel Education Foundation has the right to amend / limit or remove the site content or site access without prior notice if it considers necessary.

Çelikel Education Foundation does not have any legal or criminal liability for damages, risks or expenses that may arise out of the use of any content in the website. Çelikel Education Foundation, however, reserves the right to take any legal and criminal prosecution steps against unauthorized use of the contents of the site.

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