Our Objective

Why Education?

According to World Economic Forum Report, complex problem solution, critical thinking, creativity, being able to work with others and emotional intelligence are the most important basic skills that will be needed in 2020.

The youth who are trained today should create new opinions and actions when they begin to work and while doing this, they should establish constructive relations with social values getting more complicated and diversified day by day.

We believe in supporting of creative and cultural training for development of these basic skills. We attach importance that the youth transform their school success into a balanced and efficient life style based on ethical values.

Our Objective

We want to make contribution that our country becomes a country in which majority of people renders service for development basing on human rights, is self-reliant and knows the limits, and has international successes.

We develop and implement sustainable programs for increasing training quality for the youth having ages of 15-24.

We target to build collaboration between educational institutions, parents, and nongovernmental organizations for the purpose of raising young people who are creative, have a passion for learning, develop positive relations and question his/her life goals. We identify the problems faced by and opportunities available for today’s youth and provides solutions by joining forces with them. We create personal, social and professional development opportunities for young people.

  • Establishment Year

  • Education Started at Rıdvan Çelikel Anatolian High School

  • We Started to Implement Wide Shot in Education Program in Rıdvan Çelikel Anatolian High School

  • We Selected First Sparks (Scholars) of Fire Balls Program

  • Our First International Project: Gençlerle Barışçıl İletişim (Peaceful Communication With Youth)

  • Wide Shot in Education Program is among 100 innovational projects

  • Our 2nd International Project: Youth Friendly High Schools

  • Our 3rd International Project: My Vocational High School is Youth Friendly

  • Our First Research Report: Vocational High Schools, Early Leave and Transition to Open High Schools

  • We Started to Implement Mentorship Program in Rıdvan Çelikel Anatolian High School

  • Bronze Owl Award to Vocational High Schools, Early Leave and Transition to Open High Schools Research Report

  • Our first research Project: Gender Equality In Vocational High Schools

  • Volunteering Committees Became Functional

  • Rıdvan Çelikel Anatolian High School Became Science High School

  • My High School is Youth Friendly Project is among the Best Examples in Education

  • We Established Peer Consultancy System in Fire Balls Program

  • First Graduates of Fire Balls Program

  • We Started to Implement Wide Shot Education Program Scholarship and Volunteering System in Samsun

  • Mentorship Program is Among Best Examples in Education

  • We Started to Implement The Password of Future: Coding Project in Rıdvan Çelikel Science High School

  • Our First Project in Samsun with Provincial Directorate of National Education: Kodlasam Project

  • We Extended The Implementation of Wide Shot in Education Program – Peer Meetings Project out of Rıdvan Çelikel Science High School

  • Participation to EMMC Turkey Mentorship, Coaching and Supervision Conference with out Our Mentorship Program