For Them

We create personal, social and professional development opportunities.

Fire Balls Program

We started the Fire Balls Program in 2012 to explore young people  who are  sparks of today and may be the fire balls of tomorrow.

Wide Shot In Education Program

We started the WSIE Program in 2010 to support the improvement of education quality in secondary education level.

Mentorship Program

We started the Mentorship Program in 2014 to support the development of students in Secondary Education level in specific skill areas.

Our Principles

We pay attention that all our work contributes to the formation of a more liveable world.

We try to excel in our own work, as well as, in the work of our stakeholders with the perspective that we think that may contribute to a more humane life.

Sustainability and continuity of our works is our priority to achieve this goal.

Collaborative work is our first priority; We are doing our best to make decisions together with our stakeholders.

We strive that all our activities to be exemplary quality.

In all our activities, we respect to the human rights and strive to fulfil all its requirements in current conditions.

Since 2007

Number of People We Directly Effected

Training / Activity Hours

  • Establishment Year

  • Education Started at Rıdvan Çelikel Anatolian High School

  • We Started to Implement Wide Shot in Education Program in Rıdvan Çelikel Anatolian High School

  • We Selected First Sparks (Scholars) of Fire Balls Program

  • Our First International Project: Gençlerle Barışçıl İletişim (Peaceful Communication With Youth)

  • Wide Shot in Education Program is among 100 innovational projects

  • Our 2nd International Project: Youth Friendly High Schools

  • Our 3rd International Project: My Vocational High School is Youth Friendly

  • Our First Research Report: Vocational High Schools, Early Leave and Transition to Open High Schools

  • We Started to Implement Mentorship Program in Rıdvan Çelikel Anatolian High School

  • Bronze Owl Award to Vocational High Schools, Early Leave and Transition to Open High Schools Research Report

  • Our first research Project: Gender Equality In Vocational High Schools

  • Volunteering Committees Became Functional

  • Rıdvan Çelikel Anatolian High School Became Science High School

  • My High School is Youth Friendly Project is among the Best Examples in Education

  • We Established Peer Consultancy System in Fire Balls Program

  • First Graduates of Fire Balls Program

  • We Started to Implement Wide Shot Education Program Scholarship and Volunteering System in Samsun

  • Mentorship Program is Among Best Examples in Education

  • We Started to Implement The Password of Future: Coding Project in Rıdvan Çelikel Science High School

  • Our First Project in Samsun with Provincial Directorate of National Education: Kodlasam Project

  • We Extended The Implementation of Wide Shot in Education Program – Peer Meetings Project out of Rıdvan Çelikel Science High School

  • Participation to EMMC Turkey Mentorship, Coaching and Supervision Conference with out Our Mentorship Program

What Do They Say?

Being knowledgeable requires education and reading. This raises strong and conscious generations who can both think and question. I am now aware of this consciousness, and my greatest ideal is to convey this consciousness to the next generations, and to be a hope for them.

Gülşah Erinç
Gülşah Erinç

Mentorship Committee Member

The Mentorship Program has increased my desire to communicate with people. I didn’t dream too much, andnow I have more beautiful and positive dreams. I learned to ask the reasons of the negative feedbacks instead of  rejecting them immediately.  I also learned to make researches about the  professions more.

Şerife Ergün
Şerife Ergün

Rıdvan Çelikel Science High School / Mentee

Fire Balls Program, adds different perspectives  with volunteering opportunities and many trainings in team work, ethics, human rights and business life. At the same time, it teaches to take initiative for our targets and volunteering processes. It not only allows us to think about important concepts, but also to take

Ekin Tünçok
Ekin Tünçok

Boğaziçi University / Graduated Spark

Our Collaborations