Trainings and Activities

Trainings and Activities

Weoffer training and activity opportunities to be able to provide development of our sparks separately for each spark group and within the frame of “Training – Activity Program” for 4 years. We attach importance to participations of our sparks to these trainings and activities, and we follow up their continuity and improvements within this scope.

We evaluate in terms of 3 components: Sparks, training/activity responsibles and trainers / speakers.

We obtain the evaluations at the end of each training/activity from the relevant people via our evaluation forms. According to evaluation data, we construe the attention, potential and participation willingness of our sparks and the effect and efficiency of the trainings/activities and we determine our areas open to development.

In addition to these, we hold “year-end evaluation” meetings with participation of our sparks at the end of relevant academic year. In these meetings, we examine evaluation data on trainings/activities of our sparks with more holistic perspective and we determine our strong aspects and aspects that are open to improvement regarding entire one year and shape the program together.

Discover yourself
Develop your communication skills and direct relations efficiently
Realize social problems, create and carry out radical solutions
Be a good person